The Chinese President Hu Jintao Sends Special Envoy for Inaugural Ceremonies of the New Philippine Leadership
2010-06-25 13:19

At the invitation of the Philippine Government, H.E. Yan Junqi, Vice-Chairwoman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China, will head a Chinese delegation to attend, as the Special Envoy of the Chinese President Hu Jintao, the inaugural ceremonies of the Philippine President-elect Benigno Simeon C. Aquino and Vice President-elect Jejomar C. Binay on 30 June 2010.

It is expected that the visit by H.E. Yan would help maintain the sound momentum of high-level exchanges between China and the Philippines. The visit would also contribute to ensure that China-Philippines strategic and cooperative relationship gets off to a good start under the new Philippine administration and continues to forge ahead.

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